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Skin care
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Uneven Skin Tone
How to get an even skin tone?
An even skin tone is considered the absolute ideal of beauty throughout the world. And this despite the fact that beauty is very relative. Example: in Asia, very fair skin is considered beautiful, in Central Europe, light summer tan is considered attractive.
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However, all cultures have one thing in common: they strive for an even skin tone because it is indicative of freshness and youth. In the course of various studies, scientists have been able to prove that age spots, redness, acne and other skin irregularities significantly age a person. Specifically, subjects rated women with dull, uneven skin tone twelve years older than they actually were. An even skin tone has a certain radiance that makes other people look younger. Therefore, it is not surprising that an even skin tone is very important in all cultures.
Unfortunately, not everyone is naturally endowed with this advantage. The reasons are easily explained. Changes in special light-absorbing skin molecules, known in technical jargon as chromophores, determine how young we look and how even our complexion is. These chromophores include the blood pigment hemoglobin, the skin pigment melanin, and collagen, which strengthens our skin and retains moisture. This trio affects our skin tone, radiance, and overall skin appearance. However, collagen density and distribution decreases with age, and hemoglobin and melanin also change dramatically between the third and fourth decade of life because both substances combine optimally in young skin, resulting in a very even skin tone. However, later the substances are combined unevenly, so that brownish pigment spots and streaks become visible.
But you can achieve even skin tone with proper care even in old age.
Even skin tone: proper care is important
If a particularly large amount of melanin accumulates under the skin, brown pigment spots become visible. The trigger is often increased tyrosinase enzyme activity caused by excessive UV exposure or the natural aging process.
Niacinamide (vitamin B3) has a positive effect on hyperpigmentation, as it reduces the transport of melanin-containing pigment cells into the upper layer of the skin. However, an even skin tone is best achieved with appropriate derivatives such as tocopheryl nicotinate or myristyl nicotinate. Reason: High concentrations of niacinamide lead to temporary reddening of the skin because the vitamin briefly dilates the small blood vessels in the skin.
Conclusion: Even skin tone should not be just a dream.
Beautiful and even skin tone is the ideal of beauty for most people. Anyone who is dissatisfied with their complexion for various reasons can be helped by high-quality cosmetics and suitable active ingredients.