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Hyaluronic acid

How to use hyaluronic acid correctly?

It's not uncommon to find hyaluronic acid on the ingredient list of Korean skin care products, and it's often considered the best moisturizing ingredient as well. But did you know that hyaluronic acid doesn't moisturize on its own, but rather attracts and retains moisture? If you're one of those who experiences a feeling of tightness after using hyaluronic acid products, it's possible that you're using the ingredient incorrectly.

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What is hyaluronic acid?

Hyaluronic acid is a moisturizing disaccharide (i.e. sugar chains) that is naturally found in the body and is especially concentrated in the skin and eyes. As you get older, the body produces less hyaluronic acid, and signs of aging, such as wrinkles and fine lines, can become more prominent. It also attracts and retains moisture well - actually 1,000 times its own weight!

How do I use hyaluronic acid?

If your skin feels dry or tight after using hyaluronic acid products, it's a clear sign that you're not using them correctly. Since hyaluronic acid does not moisturize on its own, but rather draws in moisture, it needs to be used with other products, such as a moisturizer, which will then act as a sort of barrier. If not, hyaluronic acid can draw moisture out of the skin (especially if you have dry skin) and actually have a dehydrating effect, hence the feeling of tight skin. Hyaluronic acid loves lipids, so feel free to look for moisturizers with ingredients like ceramides and fatty acids.

Incorporate hyaluronic acid into your skin care routine

Whether you choose hyaluronic acid in the form of a toner or serum, it's best to apply it to slightly damp skin. So make sure that after cleansing you don't dry your skin completely, but just blot it lightly with a towel or allow your skin to air dry a bit. Apply hyaluronic acid and immediately apply moisturizer. A helpful tip is to mix the hyaluronic acid serum with your favorite cream.

If you prefer to use hyaluronic acid as a toner, you can choose a toner with a high percentage of the ingredient, which saturates the skin with even more moisture. Apply the toner in layers, then apply a moisturizing serum and then a moisturizing cream.